Musa Balan Acclaimed Turkish watercolor artist (1962)
The Associate Member of The American Watercolor Society -AWS
and Member of the Nordic Watercolor Society
His watercolor journey started at the age of 7 with him carrying his watercolor paints in his school bag everyday…
At the age of 17, watercolor was in his caricatures that are published in national comics…
At the age of 19, it was in his illustrations which published in art magazines…
At his 20's on the walls in frames...
Later on, in national and international juried exhibitions(U.S.A., Russia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Malta, Sweden etc...), biennials, catalogues and encyclopedias...
As well as in private collections in many different countries…
The way the paint spreads on the wet paper and creates transparent stains, brings indescribable excitements to Musa... Water and paint are his indispensables...
He is known through the backlight skills he has shown in his cityscape and landscape paintings...
Sunlight and the tall blue shadows it creates, are the main characteristics of his artworks. By painting daily frames, Musa makes the viewer see through his eyes...